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CNC Milling


Our CNC Mill is capable of machining Wood, Plastic, Acrylic, PCB, Aluminium, Mild Steel and other materials into just about any shape you need. Bring your own designs, or have us design it for you. It will handle any job up to 380x600x120mm.


The turning feature of the CNC machine enables us to cut shapes, lettering and other designs into materials that are not flat. Such as cutting multiple sides of an object, wood turning or even spline gears and cogs.


Engraving is as simple as 1-2-3 on the CNC or Laser machines. Just about any material of any shape can be accommodated. From simple lettering, to intricate designs and photos.


Paper, Vinyl and similar can be cut to extremely high precision with the CNC Machine. If you need lettering, artwork or signage cut from thin and delicate materials, this is a great way to get the best results.

Laser Work

Available to our customers is a 300x300mm extremely precise Laser machine. With this we can engrave all non-metallic materials, with lettering, artwork and even photos.