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PC Services

Custom Computer Systems

Need a new PC for a specific requirement?

We can assist you with a build, designed with your requirements in mind. So that you get the best possible system, at the best possible price.

Computer Upgrades

We offer a workshop upgrade service and can supply and install it for you. This is at the price of the hardware and no extra labour charge, or you can purchase from our online store and shipped directly to you, so you can DIY.

Software Support

General support is available to customers for free within the warranty period, on any software product purchased via our business. Software support for 3rd party products is also available, for an hourly fee.

Hardware Servicing

Computer servicing, maintenance and troubleshooting starting at a low fixed fee for a workshop service, or charged at an hourly rate for onsite service if you are unable to transport your system to our workshop.

Data Recovery

Data Recovery services are available at our workshop only. If you have had a storage failure, we should be able to recover the information for you from almost any digital storage media.

System Security

We can secure your system and protect it from infections and malicious program attacks or if you have passed the point of no return, our team can remove malware, virus, trojans and other unwanted programs causing you problems.